Saturday, September 20, 2008

When Dang Ling Arrived in the states!

Jadeyn got off the plane to meet the rest of her family in July of 2005. She was very nervous but full of smiles. The language barrier wasn't such a big deal with her siblings. The ride home in the car was reassuring to me as the kids were giggling and playing together. Sister Taylor, was an amazing help with Jadeyn. The two of them got home and began running to their bedrooms, to the backyard, all over the house as Jadeyn smiled and took it all in. Other relatives were there to welcome her home and she seemed very happy to finally have that family she had waited for!

The transition once we got home was an easy one. Jadeyn is such a happy kid. Nothing seems to get her down. She is doing well in school, has many friends, and it feels like she's been with us forever. We have been truly blessed by these two girls and feel very fortunate to have found them. Our family is now complete and growing up before our very eyes.

When we had our old website, we received many emails about older child adoption. I have missed being a part of that and would love to share more of our story with anyone who would like to hear it.

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